Welcome to Facebook Live Bootcamp

Remove the fear and replace it with fun-filled confidence



This training was delivered live on Facebook as a way to support our community to take their businesses online during the Coronavirus Curveball that is affecting the entire world.

Download these two guides before diving into the content:


NOTE: These videos were recorded live in March 2020 and the flash sale has ended.

In this first session, you’ll learn how to look and feel confident without spending hours preparing to go live.

NOTE: These videos were recorded live in March 2020 and the Flash Sale has ended.

In this session, you’ll learn how to use my simple fill-in-the-blank formula that allows you to deliver high value content that doesn’t overwhelm you or your audience.

In this session you’ll learn what to do before, during, and after your Facebook Live so that you get a return on the time you invested.

You’ve completed the bootcamp and now I want to help you overcome the most common obstacle that health coaches say stops them from regularly going live.

And it’s … “I don’t know what to say!”

That’s exactly why I created “The What to Say Solution.”

With 100 Facebook Live topics, talking points, and scripts designed specifically for health coaches and personal trainers, believe me when I predict “you’ll have plenty to say.”

You’re welcome!

This fabulous wrap-up session went a full two hours and was filled with excellent questions. The quality of this video is poor because ZOOM’s systems have been overloaded during the Coronavirus Curveball. So put in some headphones and listen to it while you do other things because unlike the video quality, the coaching quality is high!

In this session you’ll learn how to use a green screen to hide all those undesirables and to take your Facebook Live presentations to a whole new level.

In this session you’ll learn how to use a teleprompter so you can deliver your message without stumbling over your words.

If you have any questions, click the image below to jump into The Health Coaches’ Club Facebook group for support.