…48 hours!! Whyyyyy?
Let’s be real. How many free trainings have you downloaded (me too!) and completely forgotten about 10 minutes later? This training is too valuable to get buried in your downloads folder. So, hopefully an expiration date will help get you moving.
Already worried about losing access? Don’t be. You can access the full course at the bottom of this page.
Okay, let’s get started, shall we?
Download these two guides before diving into the content:
In this first session, you’ll learn how to look and feel confident without spending hours preparing to go live.
In this session, you’ll learn how to use my simple fill-in-the-blank formula that allows you to deliver high value content that doesn’t overwhelm you or your audience.
In this session you’ll learn what to do before, during, and after your Facebook Live so that you get a return on the time you invested.
This training ensures that you have the most up to date Facebook Live strategies and the answers to the most common questions entrepreneurs ask when they decide to go live.
In this session, you’ll learn how to use a green screen to hide all those undesirables and to take your Facebook Live presentations to a whole new level.
With this training, you’ll never worry about forgetting your lines or looking like you’re reading a stiff and boring script.
With this training, you’ll learn how to create a foolproof strategy that guarantees you show up consistently so your viewers excited to take action.
With this training, you’ll learn how to how to creatively reuse your lives in fresh ways so your hard work doesn’t go to waste.
If you have any questions, send an email to and our Client Excitement Officer will take great care of you.