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Get More Online Clients Challenge 322 Recap Page (copy)

MARCH 14th - 18th


…where you’ll discover the fastest way to get more online clients
without begging or annoying your friends and family

Hey, hey, hey, it’s Christie Miller and I’m so excited you decided to join me for the 5-Day Get More Online Clients Challenge. My team and I put our hearts and souls into this challenge and we hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do.

To get the most out of our time together, watch this Welcome Video inside the Facebook Group first.


Next watch the Challenge Prep-work video inside the Facebook Group.

  • Download the Welcome Kit.
  • Get ready for a fun-filled and informative week.


If you want to finally find a way to get clients online, you must be able to clearly describe what you do that makes people actually listen. This is about being brave enough to turn some people off so the clients who understand you want to hire you immediately. That way, you can design a challenge that is completely aligned with who you are and what your dream clients need to believe if they’ll ever get results.

Here are your action steps:


With your magnetic message in hand, we’ll dive deep to clarify the pain points that keep your clients up at night. These pain points connect directly to their objections to hiring you, so once we can speak into the pain, their objections evaporate. Now, you’ll be able to align your offerings with their specific needs so that hiring you is a no-brainer.

Here are your action steps:


Before you start designing your successful 5-day challenge, you must clarify what you will offer after the challenge so that the decision to hire you is a seamless one. A successful, lucrative challenge is designed to naturally drive participants into your community, private coaching or course offerings.

Here are your action steps:


Once you know exactly what you plan to offer at the end of your challenge, it’s time to create a tasty “appetizer” in your 5-day challenge. Your goal is to get your clients started on their path while leaving them hungry for more.

Here are your action steps:

This is where the rubber meets the road because I will insist that you set the date for your first (or next) 5 day challenge.

Here are your action steps:

WooHoo, we did it … together! 

Before we move onto next week’s Challenge Creation Celebration, watch this bonus training so you can identify where you are and where you want to be on the Health Coach Hierarchy.

It’s been a fun week and we are ready to give away a bunch of prizes. So take our quiz to see how well you paid attention this week.

Here’s how to play:

  1. Click the image to download the Test Your Knowledge quiz.
  2. Fill in the answers you already know.
  3. Review the videos above to find answers you do not know.
  4. Click here to submit your answers online no later than 1:00 pm Pacific on Tuesday, March 22nd. Do not post your answers on Facebook because that will spoil the fun.

I hope to see your name drawn as one of the many winners for the prizes worth over $2,500.

Click here to learn the Proven, Step-by-Step Action Plan to Launch Your Challenge and Get More Online Clients in Less Than 45 Days.