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Delivering Your Course

The No-Tech Needed Way to Launch Your Online Course

Delivering Your Course

The No-Tech Needed Way to Launch Your Online Course

Great health coaches transform lives every day. And if you’re truly passionate about changing lives, then you probably want to have an even bigger impact than 1:1 private coaching can ever bring.

So maybe you’re thinking of creating an online course, but aren’t sure how or where your clients will access the videos, workbooks and other course materials?

This is one of those tech details that can make your head spin and keep you from taking the first step in creating your online course. 

Coding, WordPress, Vimeo, oh my!

Googling all the possible places to host your online course could take you so far down the rabbit hole that you actually forget what you were looking for in the first place.

And the monthly costs? OUCH!

So what do you say, we look at the simplest and cheapest (hello, it’s F-R-E-E) way to host your online course which also gives your clients a seamless user experience?

Use Facebook Groups to Deliver

It’s so obvious you may be surprised … Facebook!

Here’s the super easy step-by-step roadmap to setting up your course in Facebook.


Facebook units are currently available for groups that have the objective of “Social Learning.” Regardless of how long you’ve had your group, or how you originally set it up, you can change it with a few clicks of a button.

Click on the MORE button which appears below your cover image. Then click on Edit Group Settings:

If your group type is anything other than Social Learning, click the change button to reset it

Click the Social Learning circle and then click Confirm:


After confirming the group type change, you will see Units listed on your side menu.

Click on Units (or Learning) and then click on + Create Unit:

This is where it starts to feel real, so take a second and praise yourself for being a course creator. Seriously, do it! When the celebration for one is over, get back to work.

Give your unit a name (including the step or module number) and a brief description.


If you’re releasing your course content module by module, rather than all at once, just upload the first unit’s video training, slide deck (students love having access to your presentation slides), and written materials.

You cannot post directly to a unit. You must first create a post with your video (or PDF file) and then move it into the unit by using

Each piece of the unit will be listed as shown on the left side below. And when your client click’s on a specific item, the list will expand and she can dive in.

Easy peasy! Now you can stop worrying about how you will deliver your course materials and start focusing on attracting your ideal clients into your course.

Pros and Cons of Facebook

As with any course delivery option, there are many pros and cons to using Facebook as your course host.


  1. It’s free – duh.
  2. You have a one-stop shop for the course and the community. Your clients don’t have to log into another site with another password.
  3. It enhances client engagement.
  4. You control who has access to the group / course materials.


  1. Facebook could eliminate the feature at any time and without notice. It’s obvious, but I have to remind you to always back up your material in a place off of Facebook.
  2. It’s too easy to get distracted by Facebook notices. One little “ding” and your clients will stop learning and start scrolling.
  3. Your clients will have to visit several groups if they purchased more than one course.


If money is tight, or the thought of creating your own membership site is completely overwhelming, then use this free and easy Facebook solution for now. 

After you run your course a few times, you’ll be in a better financial and knowledge position to decide if you want to create your own membership site.

And if the answer is yes, then you can move to a HOSTED MEMBERSHIP SITE LIKE I USE LATER!

I’m all about keeping things simple in my business. If you want to make your success as easy as possible, then jump inside THE HEALTH COACHES’ CLUB FACEBOOK GROUP for tips, community fun, and support.